NASA is looking to Hollywood partners to use advanced technology to broadcast Artemis missions to the moon.
“We can show the greatness of Apollo to the new generation,” said NASA Director Jim Brydenstein.
The agency issued the announcement as a proposal for the participation of studios, televisions and other organizations that have advanced technology such as cameras to enhance NASA images.
“We are looking for partners to take advantage of state-of-the-art technology, imaging capabilities and approaches beyond our standard on Naza TV,” said NASA Director Jim Brydenstein. We want to portray the awesomeness of Apollo for the new generation, the generation of Artemis. Just as people clung to television 50 years ago and astronauts took their first steps on the moon, we are taking people with us in this new era of space exploration on the moon. This lunar exploration trip was tested in 2023 with the participation of astronauts on the Artemis 2 mission.
Spacecraft are typically available for technical and operational support in NASA cameras, and the images of these cameras are clearly used to complete the mission on television. Hollywood, of course, has been involved in NASA’s efforts to send images from space.
As an IMAX camera, red cameras and virtual reality systems are used on the International Space Station, and cinematographers and astronauts are trained to use them to create attractive images.
NASA’s Artemis 1 mission is planned as an unmanned test flight of the Orion spacecraft to orbit the moon and return to Earth to launch the book.