Amerta Art has reinvented itself
about the festival in our future posts
Hello to all our supporters and interested people. It has been quiet in our corner for quite some time now, we apologize for that, we needed the time to get organized and do some important tasks. To expand our activities and events, we have decided to move our Iranian location to Turkey. Our headquarters in Germany will continue to exist. Thanks to the support of our employees and our network of moderators, collectors and the galleries in Istanbul has now taken a new and exciting direction. We will continue to support young, up-and-coming talented artists internationally, and in addition to our efforts in the performing arts, we will now organize festivals. Our mission is to award artists for their work and, at the same time, introduce them to a broad audience. The first Amerta Art Festival is about the art of filmmaking and will be held in Istanbul in 2021. We hope that your interest has been awakened and look forward to your feedback. We will keep you informed about the festival in our future posts.